In my environment, this daemon is also a bit of an Achilles heel. By default, abrtd only creates information for signed applications. Any app can be signed to generate a bug, but if an unsigned app triggers abrtd, the daemon goes through the motions of creating a bug report and then removes everything it created. This behavior can cause issues with an action hanging for an unsigned app.
Abrt Cli Status Timed Out
So abrtd is still technically running, but that post-create process has created a state where some new ABRT crash reports tried to run, but turned zombie. At this point, you can restart the abrtd service, and that action will clear all of the zombie processes.
重新SSH登入后提示Fixed ABRT has detected 1 problem(s). For more info run: abrt-cli list输入命令:abrt-cli list发现 /var/spool/abrt/oops-xxx文件被锁删除文件rm -rf /var/spool/abrt/oops*
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